The Die Hard Jugs
In the film Die Hard With A Vengeance, the characters John McClane and Zeus Carver open a briefcase only to discover that in doing so they have armed a powerful bomb. It will explode in a matter of minutes unless they can disarm it. Inside the briefcase there is a scale. They have at their disposal two jugs — one holds exactly 5 litres and the other holds exactly 3 litres. To disarm the bomb, they have to fill the 5 litre jug with exactly four litres of water and place it on the scale. A few grams too much or too little will detonate the bomb. The water can be obtained from a nearby fountain.
How can they disarm the bomb?
(This is a classic puzzle, and variations can be found in Loyd's and Dudeney's puzzle collections. By the way, the film never actually showed how McClane and Carver solved the puzzle.)
How can they disarm the bomb?
(This is a classic puzzle, and variations can be found in Loyd's and Dudeney's puzzle collections. By the way, the film never actually showed how McClane and Carver solved the puzzle.)